<[account.firstname]> is logged in.
Preparing for Phoenix valley release!

FetchMePizza's test market in Arcadia/East Phoenix was a success. In preparation for the expanded delivery from valleywide Costcos, we are not taking new orders at this time.

If you would like to be alerted when we are live again and delivering in your area, please provide your ZIP below.

Full speed ahead in delivering the best food value available!

Only <[vendor.minutestoclose]> minutes left to place your order for delivery today!
Welcome back, <[account.firstname]>!
Would you like us to fetch your previous order?
Vendor <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.vendor]>
<[item.qty]> <[item.name]>
  • <[f.topping]>
  • <[l.topping]> (left)
  • <[r.topping]> (right)
Deliver To <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.address1]>, # <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.address2]>, <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.city]>, <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.state]> <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.zip]>
Instructions <[$parent.account.lastorder.info.instructions]>
<[$parent.account.lastorder.info.grandtotal | currency]> ON <[ $parent.account.payment_type ]> <[$parent.account.payment_name]> (Previous <[$parent.account.tipperc]>% Tip Included)
<[$parent.account.lastorder.info.grandtotal | currency]> CASH. (Previous <[$parent.account.tipperc]>% Tip Included)
<[vendor.name]> Menu

Item Price (USD) Quantity
<[l.topping]> (left)
<[r.topping]> (right)
$<[item.price]> <[item.qty]>
<[ vendor.name ]>
Open til <[ vendor.closetime | time ]>
Modify <[modify_item.name]>
Topping Full Left Right
<[topping.topping]> ($<[topping.price]>)
Quantity: <[modify_item.qty]> 1 of <[modify_item.qty]>

Item Info Price (USD) Quantity Total
$<[item.price]> <[item.qty]> $<[functions.calcRow(item)]>
Pay With:
Credit Card <[ $parent.account.payment_type ]> <[$parent.account.payment_name]>
Add Last Tip: <[$parent.account.tipperc]>%
Deliver To:
# <[$parent.account.address2]>
<[$parent.account.city]>, <[$parent.account.state]> <[$parent.account.zip]>
Your credit card
has expired!
Use Checkout
to save a new card.
Sorry, we are not able to accept new orders during off hours. Try again after <[vendor.holiday]>. We're open between <[vendor.nexthours.opentime | time]> and <[vendor.nexthours.closetime | time]>.

No items in your cart.

Your order has been successfully submitted.

Order # <[orderInfo.orderid]>
Received <[orderInfo.received]>
ETA <[orderInfo.eta]>
Name <[account.firstname]> <[account.lastname]> <[cardinfo.firstname]> <[cardinfo.lastname]>
Email <[account.email]>
Phone <[account.phone]>
Payment Method <[payoption]>
Deliver To <[functions.displayDeliveryAddress()]>
Delivery Instructions <[functions.displayDeliveryInstructions()]>
Your Order
Item Instructions Total
<[item.name]> (x<[item.qty]>)
<[item.total_price | currency]>
Cart Total: <[orderInfo.charges.carttotal | currency]>
Delivery Charge: <[orderInfo.charges.delivery | currency]>
Apply <[validpromocode.description]> -<[validpromocode.subtracted | currency]>
Sub Total: <[orderInfo.charges.subtotal | currency]>
Tax: <[orderInfo.charges.tax | currency]>
Tip: <[orderInfo.charges.tip | currency]>
Grand Total: <[orderInfo.charges.total | currency]>
Delivery Address
Already have an account? Sign in. Or create an account. Benefits include paying by cash for future orders and one-click ordering when you have payment on file.
Contact Info

Credit Card Credit Cards Accepted

<[ vendor.name ]>
Open til <[ vendor.closetime.substring(0, 2) - 12 ]>:<[ vendor.closetime.substring(3, 5) ]>pm
Review/Submit Order
(must click submit below to finalize/place order)
Your Cart
Item Info Total
<[item.name]> (x<[item.qty]>)
Cart Total: $<[functions.calcCartTotal()]>
Delivery Charge: $<[functions.calcDeliveryCharge()]>
Enter Promo Code:
Apply <[validpromocode.description]> -<[validpromocode.subtracted | currency]>
Sub Total: $<[functions.calcSubTotal()]>
Tax: $<[functions.calcSalesTax()]>
Tip Amount:
Grand Total: $<[functions.calcGrandTotal()]>

A Friendly Tip Reminder!

Delivery charges do not include tips paid to the driver. Please help with our drivers' college fund so they won't have to deliver pizza forever.
Order Details
Deliver To: <[addressinfo.address1]> <[addressinfo.address2]>
<[addressinfo.city]>, <[addressinfo.state]> <[addressinfo.postalcode]>
Payment Option: <[payoption]>
Name on Card: <[account.nameoncard]> <[cardinfo.firstname]> <[cardinfo.lastname]>
Card Number: xxxx<[account.lastfour]> xxxx<[cardinfo.ccnumber4]>
Delivery Time:
Intercom, dog, etc.
How did you hear about us?

Benefits include paying by cash for future orders and one-click ordering when you have payment on file.

Save credit card x<[cardinfo.ccnumber4]> to your account?

FYI: It's actually safer to store your payment card details in our secure vault than it is to send them each time.  
This will overwrite any previously saved card information.

By clicking "Submit" you agree to our terms and conditions.
Please wait...
Twice as Much Pizza for Your $
Large Size Sq. Inches Value Price
<[f.vendor]> <[f.size]>" <[f.sqinches]> <[f.percent]>% Less Pizza per dollarGET THE BIG BOY <[f.price | currency]>